So we’ll just feature the major US banks, as well as the supported cards of each bank. In the United States alone, there are too many participating banks and there wouldn’t be enough space to name them all here. There are thousands of banks that support Google Pay. If you don’t have Google Pay yet on your device, you can download it here and experience their service firsthand. Read this Google Pay review to know more about this service. However, it does not always mean that every store with an NFC terminal accepts Google Pay or any mobile payment for that matter. Lots of stores, major retailers mostly, now use NFC terminals. This is because more and more stores are now adapting to mobile payment.

Google Pay is now widely accepted in over a million stores in the US, UK, and other countries where it is supported. Here, the transactions take place wirelessly between conventional magstripe systems (like a magnetic stripe on a card) and modern terminals.

MST stands for Magnetic Secure Transmission. These transactions are short range and hence the devices should be placed in immediate closeness to each other. This technology is used to make secure transactions between electronic devices on the tap of a button.