2022 The lined aprons featured fun patterns like rainbow stained glass, rainbow crayons and pinup art of men and women. 2022 His late grandmother Anne Gwynne was also an actress and a WWII-era pinup model, while his sister Katherine Pine has dabbled in acting as well. 2022 His Lee is a wounded Tiger Beat pinup, a Kentucky boy in pan-gender thrift-store couture who lives with a desperate all-id intensity that often subsumes Russell's more tentative character. Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times, 26 Sep. 2022 The movie skips ahead to Norma Jeane’s early modeling days (enter De Armas in a breezy pinup montage), which in turn open the door to an acting career.

2022 Wiggle dresses, too, offer the quintessential pinup look. Lorraine Ali, Los Angeles Times, 22 Nov.

2022 Stratten loves the show, which says a lot, given her status as a pinup. basketball star Brittney Griner, will likely be a political pinup for the Kremlin.

Bout, who was returned to Russia last week in an exchange for U.S.